Teacher Week 2015 - Day 3

Hello again! I'm back for day three of bloghoppin's back to school week 2015! (I skipped out on day two because I am horrible about planning meals ahead of time so I had nothing to share!) but day three is a classroom tour and what teacher doesn't love showing off their classroom? :) Oh and I'm going to apologize in advance that some of these picture are sideways! I edited them and saved them to my computer the right way, but when I uploaded them to my blog they were turned sideways again! Go figure!!

My sideways view of the math corner in my room.

A sideways view of  my math wall.
Anchor charts created with the student's help!

A wall of windows!

Up close view of my updated calendar wall.

This is my back to school bulletin board that will be replaced soon with an apple theme! 

 Right side up, this is my birthday wall space. 

This is the wall I display student work on! 

This is a large view of my student work and word wall! 

This is an upclose view of my word wall! 

This is a "tree" I use to decorate and hang student work on. Right now it is decorated for back to school but soon it will be covered in apples.

My reading area

I have a wall of windows so I cover them to display student work.

This is the wall area behind my desk.

I have a math corner. We come in this corner to do calendar activites and all other things math realated.

I just love this "punc" family. I found them sometime back and I cant find them again but me and my students always think this is a very cute way of learning about punctuation.
