Lets Talk Turkey ....with Turkey Freebies!

Turkey Bulletin Board in my classroom, you can get the turkey template here.

Our class has been busy lately talking turkey. We started out by reading a non-fiction passage about turkeys. After reading the passage, the students had to answer some questions and base their answer on text evidence from the passage.

text evidence based questions

vocabulary review
You can get this turkey passage, comprehension questions, and vocabulary questions in addition to some great information on close reading for FREE here.

Next we read the book Run, Turkey, Run by  Diane Mayr.

Then we completed this story elements sheet about the story.

You can get the story elements worksheet (along with some other Thanksgiving freebies) here.

After all that turkey talk, I decided to let the students have a little fun and see if they had what it takes to actually become a turkey. We filled out these turkey applications:

Then we made a craft to go along with it. In the elementary classroom, crafts help by reinforcing: shape skills, color identification skills, fine motor skills, and the student's ability to follow directions, (just to name a few). The students really enjoyed this activity (they are still waiting to find out who made the cut) :)
This is a bulletin board wall I made with the turkey crafts and applications.

You can get the turkey application here and you can get the turkey craft that is with this application here. 
I would like to give a BIG shout out to all the creators of these wonderful FREE resources. You are appreciated!

Gobble! Gobble!
